• East Dereham Day Nursery

“From our very first experiences of East Dereham Day Nursery nearly three years ago right up to the present day, we have had nothing but praise for everything you do. Our two daughters have always been treated so well; with care, respect, encouragement and love. We truly value the experience they gain at nursery, so much so that we kept sending our daughter whilst on maternity leave with our second child.” Mr & Mrs B


“Developing in confidence…”

At the East Dereham Day Nursery, many of us are parents ourselves and we fully understand the importance of creating a calm, comfortable yet stimulating environment for the precious babies in our care. Numbers are kept purposely low in order to allow a more relaxed baby focused room, experience shows that where numbers are higher this can sometimes prove unsettling for them. Our Sunbeams room has been carefully planned out and resourced to focus on each child’s individual needs. Through careful planning and continuous provision, we believe we have created a space that allows all the youngest children in our care a calm, safe and secure environment where they can play and explore. A respectful, relaxed approach is taken so that all our babies can thrive emotionally and physically. Babies benefit from time spent on the floor where they can stretch their limbs, roll over, spend time on their tummies, developing all the muscles and skills that link to positive brain development.

Language and Communication are supported through thoughtful interactions. Non-verbal communications, speech and singing are all important skills of the Sunbeams team. Free settling-in periods ensure everyone knows each other so that when the time comes for your baby to be left, they will be happy and familiar in their new surroundings and the dedicated supportive staff who will be caring for them. The settling-in time is also important for the baby team to learn individual care routines and preferences because consistency and continuity help babies to gain the best experience. Developing in confidence the babies enjoy seeing others and they have the chance to play alongside siblings and friends.

Babies are also included in the East Dereham Day Nursery’s outdoor philosophy where they gain huge enjoyment and development opportunities from being outside to explore and play, engaging all the senses. We provide each baby with all in one waterproof suits to enable them to freely experience the outdoors. We also have pushchairs enabling us to take all the babies out for lovely walks to the local parks, library and the local community.

Each baby is allocated a diary which provides a daily record of their time at nursery. This includes information relating to the number and times of feeds, nappy changes, sleeps and how much of their breakfast, lunch and tea they have had. We also welcome parents to call the nursery at any time to check and see how their loved ones are getting on.

Sunbeams Standard Rate Sibling Rate
9am – 1pm £33.50 £32.70
9am – 3pm £55.50 £54.30
1pm – 5pm £33.50 £32.70
9am – 5pm £59.25 £57.65
8am – 6pm £68.75 £66.75
Block Booking £275.00 £275.00
Hourly Rate £7.90 £7.70

Please contact the nursery for more information on funded hours.

Meal Standard Rate
Breakfast £0.80
Lunch £2.75
Tea £1.60